Wednesday 21 March 2012

Roses Pictures Wallpapers

Roses Pictures Wallpapers Biography
Mario Balotelli was born Mario Barwuah in Palmero, Italy, to Rose and Thomas Barwuah on August 12, 1990. Thomas, a metal worker originally from Ghana, traveled many hours each weekend for work, and was gone all week long. Rose stayed home with the children, which included Mario and soon three other siblings. Mario was a sick baby who suffered from intestinal problems. The doctors feared that Mario would die several times, and when Mario was two, the family moved to Brescia, Italy. As is often the case, the story has some discrepancies at this point, one thing is clear the family was extremely poor. Thomas insists that they asked social services to help the family and that is how Mario ended up living with Francesco and Silvio Balotelli. Mario on the other hand, believes he was beaten and that is why social services placed him with the family, which already contained two biological boys and a biological daughter. Thomas insists that they visited often during the first two years, but eventually relationships between Thomas and the Balobelli’s became strained. Mario, on the other hand, insists that his parents abandoned him at a hospital. Mario insists that his parents wanted him back only after it became clear that he would become a famous athlete, because of the glory it would bring them. Mario was never officially adopted. However, as soon as possible, on his 18th birthday, Mario became an Italian citizen at Concesio’s city hall.

Mario was discovered by Walter Salvioni at the age of 15, while he was playing with the AC Lumezzane team. Mr. Salvioni, the coach for the senior team, insisted that he had to have the boy, and after discussions with the sport’s leadership, Salvioni was allowed to use Mario on his Serie C side AC Lumezzane team. Mario has been hard to control, throughout his whole career. Walter Salvioni tells that Mario would attend practice, but would not stay for the training afterward. However, he was a very talented player and tried out for FC Barcelona. This tryout did not go well, but in 2007, at the age of seventeen, Mario joined the Internationale, who was coached by Roberto Mancini. Mario continued to be a disciplinary problem, and when Mancini left the team, Mario was soon suspended by the new head cach Jose Mourinho, for failure to show effort during pratices. On the other hand, many of the fans, did not like Mario and would yell racists chants. The problems became so severe that the stadium was partially closed, by the league, in an effort to control the fans. Mario is much feared for his playing ability which includes pace and technical ability, but much hated for his petulant behavior, which often includes throwing his jersey, and stomping on it. The problems between Mourinho and Mario continued, and in August, 2010, Mario left to play for his former coach Roberto Mancini, at Manchester City.

In December 2010 Mario received the Golden Boy Award for being the best European soccer player under 21.
Roses Pictures Wallpapers
Roses Pictures Wallpapers
Roses Pictures Wallpapers
Roses Pictures Wallpapers
Roses Pictures Wallpapers
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